There are a lot of changes going on around here. Some make me scared, some nervous, and some excited. But I think that for the most part change is good for me. It makes we more active and more creative and even if it the change is something I didn't necessarily want or plan for, it can be a good thing.
Case in point, my mom, who is 88, fell and broke her arm. Its a bad break and she was in a cast for 8 weeks and is slow to heal. It was, of course, her right arm. So she could use it to do anything. I think that the fall made her see how difficult living alone had become. So after a few weeks she made a decision to move into an independent living apartment in a senior residence. My brother and I had been urging her to move out of her single family home for many years now. But I am glad that the decision to move finally came from her. And once she had made it she was excited about it.

Then she and my brother came to me with an idea. Why don't I move into my mom's home when she moves. I can renovate it to my liking, sell the home I have now and be able to live without the burden of a big mortgage. I presently live about a mile away from my mother, in a slightly larger house, decorated to my liking. I have lived here with my two daughters since my divorce 9 years ago. I love my house and so do my kids. But they are getting older and one is about to leave for college, I have to think about what was going to be better for me financially in the long run. Now that I have decided to move back into the home where I grew up, I am super excited! This is a fantastic opportunity for me to design and create a space that is totally my own. The skies the limit, well maybe not, I do have a budget.
I invite you to join me in this journey as I pack up my mom, renovate the home, sell my present home and then move in and decorate, all while running a business and parenting my girls.
My Mother and daughters at her home, taken before the Homecoming Dance 2014