There were all kinds of Artists participating in the event, both visual and performing. A couple of the musical acts went too long and were not that exciting. The band Unifyah, Reggae inspired sound, was excellent. Also the burlesque act, Jeez Loueez was quite entertaining. There were some other performances that went on way too long or were a bit disturbing, like the male pole dancer.
The demographics of the "party goers" were mostly about 21-35. And most were not interesting in buying anything, just looking. Everyone was very impressed by my work and very complimentary, they didn't complain about the price, value, only wished that had more money to spend on something .
Thank you for everyone who came to RAW and also those who bought a ticket but couldn't make it. Special thanks to Erin Mahoney, my cool hip young friend, who came early and stayed till the end to help me set up, sell, and take down. I am pretty sure we both explained Judaism and the use of mezuzots at lease 3 dozen times. My apologies to all Rabbis and Jewish scholars for any misinformation we may have communicated.
With all experiences I learn something. Last night I learned that my new lights from Ikea were a great investment. I think my booth looked better great. I met a lot of interesting people and most were very complementary and excited about my work. I also learned that if you grow up in St. Louis and have the name Kranzberg, their is always going to be someone who knows someone in your family!
I also probably will learn more things in the weeks to come, and hopefully this opportunity will lead to others.